Category Archives: Lifestyle

Happy Healthy New Year (x108)!

January 1st is here, blank and fresh like the first page of a brand new notebook. Don’t you just love beginnings? As the calendar page turns, it’s as if the air is cleared and every breath is full of possibility. What will you do this year? Who will you be?

As the world rushes to make resolutions, perhaps you can first take a breath and create some time to ponder what your body and soul really want in 2012. If you just join the crowd in saying you want to lose 10 pounds or eat better or get organized or exercise more, your intentions won’t be clear enough to be meaningful and actionable. Making real changes requires specificity and determination. You need to be ready to do the work and feel drawn toward it or it simply won’t happen. So please, in these precious, unmarred, first few days of 2012, make time to think. Resolve that you will listen to what your truest self wants. And then commit to delivering exactly that.

Let me illustrate this point. I started 2012 by doing 108 Sun Salutations today in a New Year’s Day yoga class. As I was deciding whether or not to take this on, I did a few sun salutations at home yesterday. It really wasn’t bad at all. “Ok,” I thought to myself, “how hard can this be?” After taking the class, I can tell you the answer is PRETTY DARN HARD! One sun salutation is easy if you’ve been practicing yoga, but 108 is NOT! In fact, I’d argue that 108 of anything is difficult! (Plus, the darling instructors leading the class threw in lots of extra twists and turns for good measure – which did nothing to easy the difficulty.)

My point is that 108 days from now (April 17th if you’re keeping track), your resolution to eat better or to work out more or to get organized simply will not feel as easy as it does today.  Make the resolution anyhow. But get some support! Enlist a friend to cheer you on, or reach out to my team at Nourish. We would be honored to walk beside you in 2012 as you make your health and well-being a priority.

I’d love to hear from you to talk about how we can support you. You can email me directly  or call us at 513-245-4224.

Here’s to making 2012 your healthiest year yet, one day at a time!

Enough is Enough

A special note for today brought to you by The Brave Girls’ Club, run by a fabulous duo of women whose daily email is a must read. Subscribe today and each morning you’ll find a dose of inspiration and goodness and love in your inbox. And who among us couldn’t use a little more of THAT?


Dear Spectacular Girl,

In a world that keeps telling us that there must always be more, it is hard to ever feel like WE are enough, like we have enough, like we do enough, like there will be enough when all is said and done, especially at this time of year when MORE MORE MORE seems to be the constant screaming message, trying to drown out the simple beauty of what the season is all about.

Just rest in the truth, sweet friend, that you are enough right now.

You have done enough today, and you did enough yesterday. You have enough today and you had enough yesterday. There is enough love to go around and there is enough success to go around and there are enough dreams to go around. There are enough ideas to go around. There is enough for everyone, including you.

This is a stressful [time] for many people because they need to be reminded that enough is enough. You know the truth, beautiful girl. So don’t let the lie of NEVER ENOUGH destroy what should be a beautiful season for you.

And since you know the truth, you can let others around you know that they are enough, too. Rest in the truth. Breathe it in. Pass it on. Spread the kindness message of ENOUGH, everywhere you go. But most of all, let it penetrate into your heart.

Give yourself some grace, and give all the grace you can to those around you. Receive the grace, too, and always seek out and go where the peace is. You are so full of goodness, and you are SO LOVED.

Thanks for being you.xoxo

A message from your friends at the Brave Girls Club –

Outsmarting the Holiday Buffet

The typical holiday buffet is filled with high calorie temptations,  but you can outsmart the even most decadent buffet with these simple strategies I shared on Fox19 Cincinnati this morning. Here’s a link to the video clip.

1 – Don’t save your calories. On party day, don’t be the one saying, “I’ll just skip breakfast so I can eat more tonight.” It never really works! You end up starving and then you justify too many trips to the food line! Instead, eat well on Party Day – breakfast, lunch, and dinner or a small snack depending on what will be served at the party. Keeping the rest of the day normal will help you avoid overindulging.

2 – Look before you eat. There’s no rule against making a reconnaissance trip through the buffet line BEFORE you fill your plate! This avoids the chance you’ll end up with a plate full of your “second favorites” because you didn’t realize your favorites were there! When it’s time to fill a plate,  be choosy; pick the treats you only see a few times a year and skip the “fillers.” At each dish, ask yourself, is it worth it?

3 – Build a meal, not a mountain! How many times have you watched someone return from a buffet with a plate heaped with food. Sometimes the foods don’t even go well together; it’s as though he thought he HAD to take it because it was THERE! The goal, my friends, is not to see how much you can fit on a plate – it’s to build a meal you’ll enjoy and not regret. Bear that in mind!

4 – Careful with the cocktails. By all means you can enjoy a festive beverage, but remember that they pack a one two punch – they affect your judgment AND they add empty calories. Try a glass of wine instead of a bottle or have a delightful glass of champagne or one signature cocktail. You’ll remember the evening and have plenty of energy for your never-ending December to do list the next day!

5 – Channel Scarlett O’Hara – Scarlett famously quipped ” Tomorrow is another day,” and the same goes for you.  If you do overdo it, begin the next day with a cleansing breakfast – a simple smoothie or  a fruit plate with a steaming mug of green tea and plenty of water  – these will all help you to purge salt and rehydrate after your indulgent evening.

Here’s the recipe for the smoothie I made during the segment – it’s what I call the Back on Track Smoothie –  quick and easy and a pretty shade of green. Enjoy!