Category Archives: Lifestyle

Get ready to thrive

Hello Gorgeous –

Are you ready to step into the life you know you deserve? To leave behind the weight of old habits and unhealthy practices? To discover all the things that having more energy and a thriving sense of well-being can put within reach?

Then you’re ready to be Nourished.

My greatest wish is that you will realize the potential within yourself and allow our team to help you bring it forth. We’re here to help you eat well more consistently so that you’ll have the energy you need to do all the things you were meant to do.

Explore the six Lifestyle Practices we advocate at Nourish. Feed your well-being.

Get ready to thrive.

Are you ready? Is this your time? If so, you can schedule a FREE initial consultation with a health coach by contacting us here or by calling  513-245-4224 x 4. We often conduct coaching programs by phone so if you don’t live in Cincinnati, don’t despair!


Eat – Feed Your Well-being.

Experience the joy of mindfully eating real, clean, whole food every day, throughout the day. Let food be a pleasure. Resist the urge to connect food to deprivation and denial. Question fad diets that ultimately drain and disappoint you. Establish food rituals that bring beauty to your eating. Notice and appreciate the look, feel, and taste of your food. Connect what you eat to how you feel. Make eating well a priority. Every day. No excuses. You’re worth it.

Move – Learn How To Move.

Move your body. Learn how it feels to exercise with intensity and vigor. Learn how it feels to move gently and gracefully. Try new things. Explore yoga or Pilates or stretching. Push yourself hard as you run or bike or swim. Compete. Dance. Add small movements throughout your day. Stretch. Feel the blood pumping through your body and become aware of where your muscles are and how they connect to one another. Open up your joints. Move.

Rest – Discover How To Fully Restore Yourself

When you exert, you must also rest. Build rest into your waking hours. Discover how much sleep you need to fully restore yourself. Seven hours. Eight? Nine? You deserve the life that you will live when fully rested. Learn to wind down before bed so you can sleep more soundly. Sit in silence. Breathe. Meditate. Slow down. Choose stillness. Turn off the TV and the radio and the computer and the phone. Unplug. Create space in your life to just be.

Connect – Family & Friends

Relationships matter. You were made for love and intimacy so settle for nothing less. Cherish your family. Cultivate friendships. Invest in people. Join a movement. Find your flock. Make time for conversation and a personal touch. Love with wild abandon. Forgive routinely.

Strive – Play To Win

Commit to a lifetime of growth. Set goals. Regularly step up to challenges. Practice saying “Bring It On.” Be willing to make the effort and invest the energy required to live your fullest life with intensity. Stretch yourself. Play to win.

Thrive – Know and Use Your Talents

Listen for your calling. Relentlessly seek to understand your purpose and unleash your power. Be able to name your passions. Nurture your creativity. Deepen your spiritual practice. Know your God. Allow yourself to experience deep satisfaction. Find ways to be in flow. Let your light shine. Exude joy.

Is Integrative Medicine For You?

I’ve had a number of questions lately about Dr. Stefanie Stevenson and the Integrative Medicine services she is providing to patients from her office in Montgomery, OH. I thought I’d address some of those questions here in case you are wondering about the same things!   Stefanie is such a warm and caring doctor; she’s one of those people who immediately puts you at ease and makes it very comfortable to share your whole story with her to provide the context she’ll need to give you the best possible medical care. I know so many people in Cincinnati are going to find healing through her consultations and recommendations; I hope you’ll be one of them! Here are some of the questions I’ve been getting…



Is Dr. Stevenson a medical doctor?

Yes! Dr. Stevenson describes herself as an Integrative Physician.  She is both an M.D. as a graduate of Johns Hopkins University Medical School and an Integrative Medicine Fellow affiliated with the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine (founded by Dr. Andrew Weil).

So what IS Integrative Medicine?
Integrative medicine (IM) represents a shift in thinking about what medicine really means.  Currently, the American medical system is one that treats disease and is compensated for doing exactly that.  IM, by contrast,  places its focus on health,  healing, and  preventative care – preventing disease before it occurs.  The evidence is clear that lifestyle – the way one eats, moves, and deals with stress –can be more effective than any pill.
As an integrative physician, Dr. Stevenson was trained to ask the question “Why is healing not happening here?  What is blocking the healing?”  Dr. Stevenson can help you enhance your wellness or address your medical condition by prescribing low-cost, patient-centered, very low risk treatments that center on nutrition, physical movement, enhancement of the mind-body connection, and common sense approaches to vitamins, supplements, and botanicals.
Who should see an Integrative Physician?
Anyone who is interested in enhancing his or her well-being or addressing a medical condition with a holistic approach to healing will benefit from seeing someone like Dr. Stevenson. This includes men, women and even children. She is equipped to address conditions and concerns like:
Cardiac care
Digestive Disorders
Neck & Back Pain
Nutrition concerns
Reproductive health
Sleep disorders
Stress management
Weight management
…and many many more.
What’s the downside?
The downside, if there is one,  is that most health insurance companies do not cover this type of care (except perhaps through an HSA account). Patients therefore must pay the provider at the time of service, and as a culture, we’re just not used to that!
If you have specific questions about whether or not a consult with Dr. Stevenson may be the right choice for you, you can reach her directly by email at or by phone at 513-245-4224 ext 5.

The Lifetime Value of an After School Snack

My mom was the master of the after-school snack. When I think back to my early years of school, I have incredibly vivid memories of getting off the bus and making the short walk to our house with her, hand-in-hand, where she’d have the table set with a special set of dishes and something delicious to munch on as we talked about my day. In my memory, we used those dishes only for after school snacks, but in reality they were probably a set of dessert dishes she used for entertaining!

I don’t know if we used the special dishes every single day or not. Some afternoons, we probably just ate on a napkin at the counter. I don’t know if we even had a snack every day or not; there must have been days when we were running off to do errands or she had something else to do at 3PM. But what I know for sure is that we sat down for a chat and a bite to eat often enough, that after a lifetime of after-school moments, it feels like something we did every single day. It was a ritual.

That kitchen table was a place where I learned that my stories mattered. I learned to process what had happened in my day by talking about it. I learned that accomplishments were even more exciting and hurts weren’t quite as painful once shared, and that fears that overwhelmed me lost their power once we hashed them out together. The snacks were always delicious, but what was most important was having the chance to sort through the highs and lows of my day with the fixed attention of an adult who loved me.

I’ve been thinking about that ritual lately because my oldest starts first grade today and this is her first year of being in school all day. Her childhood will be a little different than mine. For one thing, I work longer hours than my mom did, and as another, her afternoons quickly become packed with playdates and after-school activities. It may not be realistic for us both to sit down for a snack with special dishes every day (though you can bet I’ll do that as often as I can!).

What is realistic is for me to carve out time every single day to hear about her day. It may be not happen until an hour or two (or three) after school ends; it may even take place over the phone.  But she will feel for that little piece of time,  that she has center stage in the fast-paced play that is our life . She’ll learn that someone is always there to help her sort through the events of her day. And she will know that her stories matter.