Category Archives: Lifestyle

A Little Bird Told Me

A while back, someone introduced me to an online community called The Brave Girls Club. They do a number of pretty darn cool things, but my primary engagement with them is my subscription to their daily email called, you guessed it, “A Little Bird Told Me – Your Daily Truth from the Brave Girls Club”. It pops into my inbox first thing in the morning with a dose of uplifting inspiration that I just adore. Often I read it and think, “How did they KNOW that I needed to hear EXACTLY that on EXACTLY this day?!” Synchronicity in action.

As an example, here was today’s email:

Dear Unique Girl,

Everyone has a different journey. So different, in fact, that new lessons can be learned every single day from each other’s journeys. Your friends’ journey are different from yours. Your children’s are different, too. Your parents also went on an entirely different journey than the one that is meant for you.

That is why it is so important not to compare, criticize, or complain. We often have the tendency to compare the worst of what we are living through with the best of what others are enjoying. Everyone has the exact path, with the exact battles and the exact joys that are meant for them. We all learn in different ways, and we can all learn so much from each other, too.

So live YOUR life. Love YOUR life. Make the most of YOUR life. And whenever you have the chance to meet another fellow traveler along the road of life, lend a helping hand whenever you can. An encouraging smile or a kind word or two. Be happy when good things happen to others and show compassion when difficult things come along. Remind those you know that ALL of it is good. ALL of it.

All of it is meant for our growth and our ultimate joy.

Keep being the fabulous YOU that YOU are.


“A little bird told me” – your Daily Truth from The Brave Girls Club –
See what I mean? Check it out for yourself. Subscribe. And when that first email arrives that you swear was written JUST FOR YOU, you’ll be so very glad you did.

It’s Love Month!

My daughter woke up this morning and declared “It’s Love Month!” Now that’s what I call waking up on the right side of the bed! If you hadn’t thought about it in quite that way before, perhaps it’s time to consider how you’ll celebrate Love Month this year. How will you show love to those around you? And perhaps even more importantly, how will you treat yourself for the next 28 days? (Why does Love Month have to be the shortest one, anyhow?)

If you need a little inspiration, here are a few ideas:

– Begin every day by greeting yourself in the mirror and saying something nice for once.
– Treat yourself to fresh flowers despite the snow and ice scene playing out all around us.
– Schedule date night – with yourself! 
      What movie have YOU been longing to see (Toy Story 3 does not count)? 
      What book have you been meaning to read? 
      What restaurant have you wanted to try? Now’s the time!
– Make yourself an adorable breakfast like the one pictured above.
– Choose the very best food for yourself – at the grocery store, at home, in a restaurant. No scarfing down half-eaten chicken nuggets off your kids’ plates. What do YOU crave?


– Listen to great music in the car.
– Find a workout that moves you. Try Hot Yoga…or Pilates…or Zumba…or whatever makes you want to get up and move!
– Make yourself over – get a new haircut or a new lipstick or a new outfit – anything that makes you feel great.

– Stop comparing yourself to others. Love yourself for who YOU are, not for how you stack up vs the competition.
It’s February, friends. All you need is love.

What do I have in common with a celebrity chef?

Believe me, I’m fully aware that I have very little in common with big-time celebrity food personalities like Cat Cora, Paula Deen, Sara Moulton and Ming Tsai. Nonetheless, I learned this week that we do, in fact, all have one thing in common…

We’ve all been guests on Amy Tobin‘s weekly radio show, Amy’s Table!
One week ago, I had the fun experience of sitting down with Amy in the Q102 studio here in Cincinnati to tape a segment for her show which aired on Sunday morning. It was a blast and I can’t imagine a more gracious host than Amy!

Amy is a food and lifestyle consultant, a well known media personality, author of Amy’s Table: Food for Families & Friends, host of Amy’s Table on Q102, and Culinary Director at EQ, the culinary school at the Party Source in Northern Kentucky.

We talked about Nourish and the various services we offer, including Nourish@Home. Amy was particularly intrigued by the kitchen makeover service in which we go into a client’s kitchen and spend about a half-day reorganizing the pantry and refrigerator to support her goals for eating well. We make choices about which foods stay, and which ones need to go. Then we organize all the keepers in ways that make it easier to find what they need to make healthful meals and snacks. 
After the show, Amy asked if I’d do a guest blog post for her called “A Healthy Meal from a Madeover Pantry” – and so I did. Here’s a link.
If you’d like to hear the two-part interview, here’s a link to the page with the .mp3 recording. It’s posted under January 24th and there are two separate links with my name  – just click each one to listen.And in case you’d rather hear from some REAL celebrities, here are links to the interviews with the chefs I mentioned above:Cat Cora
Paula Deen
Sara Moulton
Ming Tsai
