Back to Basics

Even the healthiest among us get a little off track sometimes. Life gets busy. Sugar sneaks in. Caffeine is required. Workouts get skipped. Food choices get sloppy. Energy dips. Sleep suffers. It’s a downward spiral of poor choices and their consequences and it can feel impossible to stop.

But I promise you that it’s not. When this pattern starts to emerge in my own life, I’ve come to realize that a week or so of getting back to basics is all it takes to feel like myself again. If you catch the tailspin early enough, you can course correct before it gets out of control. I’m always the most inspired by my clients who have learned this principle – they don’t consider a setback to be permanent and they don’t let it blow up into a full scale disaster. When they notice they’ve veered a little off track for a little too long, they simply recommit to what they’ve learned and steer themselves back to feeling great.

I do it, too! In fact, just recently I noticed I had settled into some habits that were causing me to feel off kilter.  A week or so of taking my own advice and I felt like my best self again. So what’s the secret?

A good night’s sleep – More often than not one of the underlying causes of a backslide for me is that I’m tired. And rather than giving in to my need for sleep, I try to eat and caffeinate my way through it. Not good. Nothing beats sleep for setting you up to make good choices. When you’re tired, temptations can be overwhelming, but with rest you can keep your healthy brain in charge!

Water – I can sometimes get to 5PM and realize I’ve had not a drop of water cross my lips all day. Coffee and tea don’t count, my friends. Hydrate and watch yourself bloom. Keep a cup or bottle in the car or on your desk and commit to drinking it…staying hydrated even curbs sugar cravings!

Fruits and vegetables – These foods give you a life force that nothing else can. Add those fruits and veggies to every meal and snack and see how great you feel.

Plenty of Fiber  – Your digestive system needs fiber to regulate…and when it’s working well you’ll feel well. Trust me on this one. Fill up with fiber (from natural sources as much as you can – skip the “fiber added yogurt” and other manufactured concoctions) and let your body do the rest.

Move – Get those workouts in – even short ones count. Just move. Yoga. Walking. Even stretching. Rebuild the habit. Your muscles will thank you and so will your brain! They don’t call it a runner’s high for nothing…

There’s no shame in getting off track from time to time – life happens! But when you do, give these simple ideas a week or so to work their magic and see if you feel like yourself again. I’m betting you will!

Green Tea Pineapple Smoothie

Are you ready for a tall glass of healthy goodness? I am! I think I’ll kick off the weekend with one of these tomorrow morning. After a class from 9-11 and a noon soccer game, we’re heading out of town to spend some time with my husband’s family – 8 adults and 7 children under 7 under one roof for the weekend! It will be a great weekend, but let’s just say I’ll need all the energy I can get!

So why this smoothie? Green tea has a number of health benefits – most notably its potential to fight cancer and heart disease. Rich in antioxidants and minimally processed relative to other teas, it’s also mildly caffeinated, so it can provide a gentle energy boost when you need one. When combined with spinach and some delicious fresh fruits, you have a winning beverage pick-me-up, great for the morning or any time you need a boost.

See what you think!


Green Tea Pineapple Smoothie


makes 1 serving



2/3 cup water

1 decaffeinated green tea bag

1 cup spinach

1 cup fresh pineapple chunks

1/2 banana, sliced

1/4 lime, juiced

1 teaspoon honey

ice cubes



1. Steep the tea bag in 2/3 cup of boiling water. Let cool.

2. Combine cooled tea with the rest of the ingredients (except ice) and puree till blended. Add a few cubes of ice at a time until you achieve your desired texture (more ice will thicken it).

Great day for a salad…

This is a guest post by Stefanie Stevenson, MD, our Integrative Physician at Nourish!

I am not an innate chef.  In fact, I’m a bit intimidated by cooking at times, so when I experiment and have a success I am thrilled to share it.  I had one today!  I raced out of the house today to get to a hair appointment only to learn that it was NEXT Thursday.  Bonus – I had time I didn’t expect!  Even though I wasn’t crazy about getting the cutting board out and making a mess (the kitchen was actually clean!), I did it anyway and I’m so happy I did!

The result was a wonderful salad with green leaf lettuce, chopped up swiss chard with the yellow stems, cherry tomatoes, jicama, green beans left over from last night, currants (my new favorite thing for a salad), red bell pepper, and kalamata olives with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar….yum!  (I even snapped a pic on my phone – check it out!)

I was so excited about my salad and having a moment to sit outside to eat that I found myself gobbling it down.  I hate that!  When I noticed what I was doing I slowed down and practiced what I teach others to do – eat mindfully – I kept the forkful of food in my mouth before I even started chewing and then I appreciated the variety of flavors as I chewed and paused before I swallowed.  It was so much more enjoyable!

Try a salad yourself and tell us what you made in the comments below…we’d love to hear about it!