Cranberry-Avocado Salsa

December means holiday parties galore, so this month I’m setting you up with a series of healthy hors d’oeuvres that you can proudly take to any soiree to be assured of rave reviews. No one will suspect they’re healthy – they’ll just know they’re delicious!

To kick things off, here’s an amazing interpretation of guacamole straight from the Grand Dame of Entertaining, Martha Stewart herself. While your initial reaction to avocado mixed with fresh cranberries may be skeptical, trust me on this one. Something terrific happens when that creamy avocado is paired with the tart, slightly crunchy cranberries and as a result, this dip is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. Better make a double batch.


Cranberry-Avocado Salsa

adapted from: Everyday Food


serves 6



1 tablespoon fresh lime juice

2 tablespoons honey

1 minced jalapeno

1/4 cup red onion, minced

2 ripe avocados, diced into 1/4″ pieces

3/4 cup halved fresh cranberries

2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, minced

kosher salt and fresh ground pepper

tortilla chips or pita crisps (or make your own substituting whole wheat pita)



1. In a large bowl, whisk together lime juice, honey, jalapeno (remove seeds for less heat), and red onion.

2. Add diced avocados, cranberries, and cilantro. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Toss gently to combine.

3. Serve with tortilla chips or pita crisps.

Have your healthiest December ever!

It’s almost here – the most challenging month of all when it comes to healthy living – December! Amid insanely busy schedules and countless holiday parties and all those cookies, scores of otherwise healthy women are throwing their hands up in surrender. It’s so easy to write off this month and allow yourself to abandon healthy habits you’ve worked all year to build. Don’t do it.

Instead, decide which rituals you’ll commit to maintaining throughout December. Choose the ones that make you feel terrific and when the going gets tough, remind yourself that keeping up with these practices is a TREAT to your deserving body and soul. You don’t have to do everything on the list below; just use it to help you decide – what will you do for yourself this December that will help you arrive at January 1st feeling one step ahead of the game?


Healthy December Habits:

– 7+ hours of sleep each night

– Breakfast

– Vitamins

– Water, and lots of it

– Fruits and/or vegetables at every meal

– Strength training (even more important than cardio!)

– Your skin care regimen (stress, alcohol and lack of sleep can wreak havoc on your skin!)

– Yoga or stretching

– Meditation or prayer time

– Breathing exercises (like the ones Dr. Stevenson recommended in last month’s newsletter)

– Phone time with a close friend or relative every day

– Herbal tea as an afternoon or evening relaxation ritual

What will you choose? Tell me in comments and hold yourself accountable…you’ll be so glad you did!

Back on Track Smoothie

I’m going to go out on a limb and say  that by this point in your life, you’ve probably read enough about how to use leftover turkey. So rather than add yet another tired idea to that list, I’m instead offering a recipe to get you back on track after your Thanksgiving feast. I hope you enjoyed every bite of it, including the late night cold turkey sandwich, but tomorrow is another day! And I’d like you to start it feeling energized and alive, instead of sluggish and weighed down. If you’re ready to lighten up after Thanksgiving’s heavier fare, this smoothie is for you.

Just a quick whir in the blender transforms these fruits and greens into a refreshing drink that will get your Black Friday off to a healthy start so you’ll have plenty of energy to hit the stores in earnest. Happy shopping!


Back-on-Track Smoothie

adapted from Real Simple


makes 1 serving



3/4 cup chopped kale, ribs and stems removed (or 1 cup of fresh spinach leaves)

1 stalk of celery, chopped

1/2 banana

1/2 cup apple juice

1/2 cup crushed ice

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice



1. Place all of the ingredients in a blender and blend till smooth.